
What Time Should You Eat Your Dinner

Ivan Yates - The Hard Shoulder

Discussion with Ivan on best time of the day to eat dinner.


Malnutrition in the Elderly

Newstalk - Pat Kenny

Discussion with pat Kenny on malnutrition in the elderly,  which is costing more than the obesity epidemic.



Ten food tips to fight disease

Irish Independent - 9th March 2017

Eight out of 10 people visit their doctor due to a diet or lifestyle-related condition. At the heart of this is inflammation, which can cause chronic illness but, says nutritionist Gaye Godkin, we can protect ourselves with the right food.


How to eat yourself young

Irish Independent - 22 March 2016

We age from the inside out, so it makes sense that whatever we put into our bodies has an effect on our external appearance.

Nutritionist Gaye Godkin has some top tips on the best foods to curb inflammation, to boost vitamin D, and reduce your risk of heart disease



Eat Yourself Pregnant

Irish Independent - 15 June 2015

One in six couples in Ireland face problems with fertility, but a new area of science called 'epigenetics' teaches that certain environmental factors such as diet can effect the likelihood of conceiving. Nutritionist Gaye Godkin on the foods that can help.



TV3 - Ireland AM - 12th June 2017


Discussion on Proceive on TV3 


TV3 - Ireland AM

Sugar Tax debate with beverage council of Ireland.

Beverage council lobbing against sugar tax and disputing harmful health outcomes from soda drinks.


TV3 - Ireland AM

Fad dieting and osteoporosis" - April 18th 2017

Discussion on fad dieting and bone health - Is calcium the only nutrient for bone health.


Claire Byrne Line - RTE - Dec. 7th, 2015

"Is it up to the State to regulate our weight?"

Gaye was invited to debate a sugar tax with Minister for Health Leo Varadkar


RTE's Morning Edition - 14 May 2013

Vitamin D and Hypertension

Gaye was invited as the nutrition expert on RTE's Morning Edition to discuss the needs, importance of and requirements for Vitamin D.


Morning AM - TV3 - August 2016

Hospital Food

Gaye was on TV3 speaking about the nutritional pros and cons of hospital food.



Why we need to eat Irish Beef and Lamb

Countrywide - RTE Radio 1 - 28 Feb. 2014

Discussion with animal nutritionist Garry Giggins on why we need to eat Irish beef and lamb and nutritional deficiencies in the Irish diet.

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Food for Thought

Drivetime - RTE Radio 1 - 28 July 2014

Following a damning HIQA report on Aras Attracta in Mayo - Nutritionist Gaye Godkin on the dietary needs of older people. 

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How to beat the Afternoon Slump

The John Murray Show - RTE Radio 1 - 21 Feb. 2014

How to prevent the afternoon slump - The John Murray show on RTE radio speaking about how to prevent the afternoon slump, the circadian rhythm and blood sugar balancing. 

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Malnutrition in the Elderly

Drivetime - RTE Radio 1 - 29 Jan. 2014

Malnutrition in the elderly - Gaye Godkin presenting to St Bridget senior citizens centre. This is a nice humorous piece from national radio. 

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