I’m Gaye Godkin
Personalised & Workplace Nutrition Expert
About Me
My name is Gaye Godkin, and I am one of Ireland's leading public health nutritionists. I received her my master’s degree in Public Health Nutrition from UCD. I also work as a clinical nutritionist and offer a one-to-one personalised nutrition service.
I am trained in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) which is a behavioural modification therapy. I work with you to explore and identify possible health damaging behaviours.
I acts act as a nutritional consultant to many companies and organisations and is am a passionate sought after entertaining speaker. I am a regular media contributor on radio and TV and write for the Irish Independent.
My Story
I’ve had a very interesting life this far. I come from a food background in Gorey, Co. Wexford, my grandfather and his brothers had a poultry business from the 1900’s to 1960’s. Food was always used as a ‘treatment’ for all ills in our home. My Mother baked everyday and sold her breads in the local shops. Processed foods were never bought. Like my Mother, I’ve had a lifelong interest in food and health. Unfortunately, I was a very unwell baby/child and had my tonsils removed when I was 3 years old. 1 year later I had all of my teeth removed due to decay from antibiotic use which I was prescribed since I was 6 weeks old. What we didn’t know then was, I had a food allergy. During my teenage years I developed chronic sinusitis and asthma. I was on 2 inhalers and 6 tablets per day and yet my asthma was uncontrolled. In 1986, I was rushed to hospital during the night unable to breathe. Dr’s were very concerned about these asthma attacks and my heart. Sadly my father died suddenly aged 53 of undiagnosed heart failure. Around this time, I started to question the reactions I was getting from eating some foods. The GP and respiratory specialist dismissed the association with food entirely. They told me food had nothing to do with asthma!
My Background
Fortunately for me, I was introduced to Dr. Nancy Dunne (RIP) in Rathfarnham a retired Dr from the Mater Hospital. Nancy had in her words ‘given up’ on traditional medicine, she explained to me that the model never looks for the ‘reason why’ but treats the symptoms with drugs. She later studied with Linus Pauling Nutritional Institute and was practicing nutritional medicine when I met her. Nancy did some food intolerance testing in the UK for me and I was intolerant to 3 different foods. I removed these foods from my diet and I never had a wheeze/chest infection again. I am now 35 years free from asthma and am very fortunate to enjoy great health. I have 4 children 2 of the children have intolerances and 2 do not. None of them have asthma thankfully.
When I was rearing the children, I worked in various banks, finally in the regulatory department of a merchant bank. During this time, I did much self directed learning on nutrition and food. In 2006, I left banking and I returned to college and pursued my lifelong dream to become a nutritionist. During these 3 years, I also studied a behavioural therapy called Neuro Linguistic Programming so that I could effectively help people to change their negative lifestyle behaviours. I furthered my studies in 2009 and gained a Masters in Public health and Nutriton. I set up my practice in 2010 and it is going from strength to strength. I am blessed to do the job I was born to do. Every day I learn something new in this fascinating space. Human nutrition and metabolism is a very exciting fast changing place to be in. I am constantly researching and reading to keep abreast of this every evolving ever changing area of personalized nutrition.
My Inspirations
I wish to thank two wonderful inspirational women. Dr. Nancy Dunne (RIP) who inspired me, from the moment I met her I fully trusted her. She ‘cured’ my allergic asthma. She was a pioneer in this area, years ahead of her time and I am blessed to have met her. I can’t imagine where I would be if I had not been treated by this wonderful woman.
I also want to thank my mother Doreen Dunbar (RIP) , her passion for food was palpable when you walked into the house, food was love, her infectious love of cooking remains alive in my cells today. Thankfully this priceless ‘gift’ was subliminally inherited by children. Fortunately, her love of food and cooking has deeply permeated their genes and infiltrated their DNA. Her ‘real food ’recipes and legendary food traditions live on in the next generation.
I’ve been featured in many media outlets & publications
Hear About Me from Clients
I’d like to thank my clients below for your willingness and generosity to share their personal journey back to health.
Tricia was referred to me by her Physiotherapist. She is an extremely active fit lady who sea swims daily, yet her body was highly inflamed. Tricia wants to share her journey of the work we did together and the results she is now enjoying. Well done Tricia. Thank you Tricia for your lovely testimonial, your honest and your vulnerability, it's touching. You were an absolute pleasure to work with.
Sheana came to see me following a recommendation from a friend. At 47 years of age Sheana was struggling with a recent diagnosis of high cholesterol and a prescription for cholesterol lowering medication for the rest of her young life. Sheana was determined that she wanted to try diet and supplementation to reverse her cholesterol. 9 weeks later she achieved it. A wonderful person with a terrifically positive attitude. Well done Sheana, you did great work, you were a pleasure to work with. Thank you for sharing your story to help others see cholesterol can be controlled by diet.
Sarah was referred to me by a Consultant Medical Allergist. Sarah has been very ill for many years with gut issues. She had been admitted to hospital on 2 different occasions with no treatment offered. She felt she had exhausted the conventional medical route. Sarah has diligently worked with me to find the foods that do not agree with her digestive system through elimination. Sarah struggled to balance the microbes in her gut and her immune system. She has made fantastic progress and is now very well. On her journey with me she also lost over 15kg. Thank you Sarah for your belief and trust that we would get there. You so deserve your new found good health. You were a pleasure to work with.
Featured Media Contributions
The Tonight Show
Climate & Nutrition
Claire Byrne Live
Leo Varadkar and I debate Obesity
RTÉ Morning Show
Vitamin D
Book a Consultation
I’d love to learn how I can help you or your team drive productivity through improved nutrition.
Email me directly: gayegodkin@gmail.com.
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