I’m Gaye Godkin
I help you improve your health through personalised & workplace nutrition
Currently offering all consultations, seminars and presentations virtually
Workplace Nutrition & Wellness
Your most valuable asset is your staff. Their productivity is directly related to the lifestyle they lead and the food they fuel their body with.
Personalised One-to-One Nutrition
Advice given is practical and tailored to your individual needs. A plan to implement positive lifestyle behaviours is also incorporated.
Featured Media Contributions
I’ve been fortunate to have contributed to media outlets including Newstalk, Irish Independent, TV3, RTE and RTE Radio 1.
I’m a regular contributor across the Irish media
Workplace Nutrition & Wellness
Gaye specialise’s in delivering corporate wellness programmes for client companies. These are designed to inform and educate your staff on the benefits of eating a healthy diet and adopting positive lifestyle behaviours.
These programmes are delivered through group on-site presentations to staff, weekly/monthly intranet videos or on a one-to-one basis. The programme is designed to meet the individual requirements of each client company.
I work with many organisations & corporates virtually & on-site
One-to-One Personalised Nutrition Plans
During your one-to-one consultation, detailed information is gathered of your diet, lifestyle behaviours, current or previous medical conditions, family history, stress levels and exercise. We explore how all of this is impacting on your health and well-being.
Embracing these changes will result in improved overall health, well-being and increased energy levels making you feel a whole lot better!
Personalised Nutrition Testimonials
I’d like to thank my clients below for their willingness and generosity to share their personal journey back to health.
Tricia was referred to me by her Physiotherapist. She is an extremely active fit lady who sea swims daily, yet her body was highly inflamed. Tricia wants to share her journey of the work we did together and the results she is now enjoying. Well done Tricia. Thank you Tricia for your lovely testimonial, your honest and your vulnerability, it's touching. You were an absolute pleasure to work with.
Sheana came to see me following a recommendation from a friend. At 47 years of age Sheana was struggling with a recent diagnosis of high cholesterol and a prescription for cholesterol lowering medication for the rest of her young life. Sheana was determined that she wanted to try diet and supplementation to reverse her cholesterol. 9 weeks later she achieved it. A wonderful person with a terrifically positive attitude. Well done Sheana, you did great work, you were a pleasure to work with. Thank you for sharing your story to help others see cholesterol can be controlled by diet.
Sarah was referred to me by a Consultant Medical Allergist. Sarah has been very ill for many years with gut issues. She had been admitted to hospital on 2 different occasions with no treatment offered. She felt she had exhausted the conventional medical route. Sarah has diligently worked with me to find the foods that do not agree with her digestive system through elimination. Sarah struggled to balance the microbes in her gut and her immune system. She has made fantastic progress and is now very well. On her journey with me she also lost over 15kg. Thank you Sarah for your belief and trust that we would get there. You so deserve your new found good health. You were a pleasure to work with.
About Gaye Godkin
My name is Gaye Godkin, and I am one of Ireland's leading public health nutritionists. I received her my master’s degree in Public Health Nutrition from UCD. I also work as a clinical nutritionist and offer a one-to-one personalised nutrition service.
I am trained in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) which is a behavioural modification therapy. I work with you to explore and identify possible health damaging behaviours.
What People Are Saying
‘We live in an age where dietary fads have become the normal. Where quick fixes in relation to issues such as obesity/diabetes/IBS for examples are all the rage. It is therefore great to be able to refer to a nutritionist like Gaye, who manages such issues with professional scientifically based regimens which many have found to be extremely effective. I would recommend anyone struggling with any dietary issue to link in with Gaye. You will not be disappointed’
Dr Harry Barry, GP and author of Emotional Resilience.
Because we often deal with complicated cases of allergy and intolerances, I refer my patients to Gaye. Gaye’s expertise is invaluable in giving the patient the necessary and concise dietary information that they require. Gaye is remarkably knowledgeable in all aspects of nutrition. Her knowledge is astonishing and I find conversations with her to be a unique learning experience. If only more patients were blessed with the chance to have Gaye’s input into any medically necessary intervention.
— Dr Ranbir Kaulsay
After many years suffering from sinus problems, Gaye quickly identified that my sinus symptoms were being caused by digestion & food issues. Within a week of following Gaye's advice, my condition improved greatly. Thanks to Gaye my quality of life has improved dramatically! Thanks Gaye!
— Ian Redmond
Gaye has great insight into bodily mechanisms and methods to subtly manipulate these through nutrition and nutraceuticals to achieve the desired for goal, coupled with an unquestionable empathy you are left with a very effective package
— Dr Kevin Marron
My daughter had long term dietary problems with painful symptoms. Gaye worked with the results from the Allergy Consultant and gave so much time to my daughter to design a diet to solve her problems. My daughter has her life back and is a happy teenager again!
— Karl Dalton
I have worked with Gaye on several projects in a professional capacity and I have been always been very impressed with Gaye’s depth of knowledge and understanding of the complex relationships that exist between the food we eat as our fuel, our immune system and over health and well-being. Gaye approaches nutrition in a person centered holistic fashion yet her recommendations are rooted in a detailed understanding of the underlying scientific processes. Gaye is fluent with current scientific thinking and is currently collaborating with internationally renowned experts. I can recommend her professional consultation service whole-heartedly.
— Dr Claire Condron
Thanks to a friend of mine Gaye was recommended to me and what a difference she has made to my quality of life. Gaye’s knowledge and understanding of nutrition is truly superb ! I was in an awful way after a few years on multiple antibiotics and didn’t realise how much my gut had been affected . Gaye also discovered from my history major intolerances to foods . Over a few visits Gaye has put an incredible life changing plan together for me . I have been completely educated on nutrition from a woman who is so passionate about well being and how we can take control of our health through good diet !! Thanks Gaye
— Ornagh O’Gorman
Featured Media Contributions
The Tonight Show
Food & Climate Change
Claire Byrne Live
Leo Varadkar and I debate Obesity
The Morning Show RTÉ
Vitamin D
Make an Enquiry
I’d love to learn how I can help you or your team drive productivity through improved nutrition.
Email me directly: gayegodkin@gmail.com. If you don’t receive a response within 24-48 hours please make sure to check your spam.